Sleep ApneaHow You Can Put Your Sleep Apnea To Rest

How You Can Put Your Sleep Apnea To Rest


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Do you know what is one of the major causes of a bad night sleep? The answer is snoring and sleep apnea. The latter is a more advanced form of snoring that carries potential health risks and shouldn’t be ignored. If you believe that you have this issue, then you should read this article filled with tips.

It may sound silly, but taking up a music instrument may improve your sleep apnea. When subjects in Germany were taught to play the didgeridoo, their sleep apnea symptoms were reduced. The researchers believe that practicing the instrument improved the tone of the muscles in the upper airway, which are responsible for airway dilation.

Adjust your CPAP machine. Most machines come with default settings that might not correspond to your needs. You should be able to regulate the airflow: try different settings and choose one that seems to work for you. If you feel like your machine is not working like it should, try changing the settings again.

Don’t drink a lot of alcohol. Alcohol is a natural muscle relaxant. Although you may think this improves your sleep, it actually just worsens it. If you must drink, keep it to just a few, and stop drinking well before bedtime. This will keep your throat muscles from relaxing excessively. If you absolutely have to have a drink, don’t do as much as you used to. And avoid having one close to bedtime.

Exercise your neck and throat. Sleep apnea is caused by your throat becoming obstructed as you sleep. By strengthening the muscles in your neck, throat, and jaw, you can help your muscles withstand the pressure. Spend a few minutes every day performing exercises designed for the jaw and neck area.

Swear off sleeping pills. The pills may relax the throat muscles so much that your airways do not function properly. If you suffer from sleep apnea, the pills could cause disastrous consequences. This is not the solution for getting some sleep.

Always bring your CPAP along whenever you travel. You ought not to go a single night without the CPAP if you have sleep apnea. Most CPAP machines come with a travel bag designed for just this purpose. You should be able to use this to carry your CPAP machine with you no matter where you go.

Do not take pain medications such as morphine. This medication can lower your oxygen level and make your symptoms even worst. If you take a high dose of morphine, your life could be in danger. If you go to the hospital and are given a pain medication, let the doctors know you have sleep apnea.

A proven tip to reducing and preventing sleep apnea is to try sleeping on your side. You should avoid sleeping with your face up on your back. Gravity will cause the tongue and tissues in your neck fall back and block your airways. So sleep on your side for a better nights sleep.

Sleep apnea events can be decreased by keeping regular sleep hours. Going to bed and getting up at approximately the same time every day will provide better and more relaxed sleep. This simple lifestyle change can be a big help when sleep apnea is in the mild to moderate range.

Keep your throat and head elevated while you sleep. If you suffer from sleep apnea, your airways are getting blocked while you sleep. So, keeping your throat and head in an elevated position helps keep your airways open. This can translate into a better night of sleep with reduced sleep apnea symptoms.

When you get your sleep apnea diagnosis and the doctor gives you a CPAP machine, be determined to stick with CPAP therapy. It can be a real adjustment getting used to sleeping with a mask on your face every night. However, your life and health depend on it. So tell yourself this is not optional, and set your mind on making it work.

If you have tried all the self-help ideas and treatments and made changes in your lifestyle, and you still have not had success in helping your sleep apnea, you should consult with a sleep doctor. These doctors can evaluate your condition and work with you to find a treatment that is effective.

While you may not be obese or even very overweight, even a couple of extra pounds can cause sleep apnea. That means even if you have a little belly, you should work to get rid of it and see if that removes your sleeping problems. You will thank yourself for it afterwards.

Taking the time to exercise your jaw and stick out your tongue may seem like children’s play. In a recent scientific study, people who performed jaw and tongue exercises daily were able to relieve some of their sleep apnea symptoms. It may not work for everyone, but could be worth a try for a good night’s rest.

If you are drowsy, listen to your body. If you are not getting enough sleep at night because of sleep apnea, you are more likely to feel drowsy during the day. This indicates that your treatments are not effective. So, when you are feeling drowsy on a regular basis, consider visiting your doctor to re-discuss your treatment options and your current apnea treatment plan.

One quick tip for trying to get a better night’s sleep is to sleep only on your side and not on your back. If you sleep with someone else, ask them to gently roll you over any time they see you on your back. This can help to keep your airflow more controlled.

If you have been diagnosed with a condition called sleep apnea, it is best to stay in contact with your doctor. You can learn a lot about your condition and treatment by keeping in communication with your doctor. Anytime you want to try a newer treatment method, consult your physician beforehand to be sure it is safe and appropriate. Also meet up with them afterward to review effectiveness.

Sleep apnea, and even snoring, can both cause you to lose out on your rest, making the rest of your life much more difficult. That is why reading through this article is so important. There is nothing better than a great night’s sleep, and now you can return to bed with confidence!


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